Former Minister of Local Government and former MP for Wassa Amenfi East, Akwasi Oppong-Fosu, has emphasised that John Dramani Mahama and the National Democratic Congress are not afraid of the the ruling New Patriotic Party no matter how they play the incumbency advantage.

According to him, the level of mismanagement and corruption that has characterised the current administration’s tenure of governance will make it very difficult for Ghanaians to entrust the leadership of the country in their hands irrespective of the one who will emerge as their flagbearer.

“None of the presidential aspirants poses a threat to the NDC. With their failed leadership and the mess created, they would rather pose a threat to the country.

“Touting the performance of the NPP government as unprecedented by Vice- President Bawumiah does not surprise anyone. He lives in his own bubble. He believes in his own lies, and that is a problem and problem for his own party, and it is not surprising his contenders are appealing to delegates not to vote for any liar,” he stated.

Addressing the issue of politics and ethnicity, the former local government minister explained that politics based on ethnicity and religion has emboldened self-serving politicians to get away with responsibility and accountability.

“People are born into families and not political parties as some claim,” he said.

Speaking in an interview with Kofi Cula, Host of Political Affairs on UK based Omega FM, Mr. Oppong-Fosu said “until we renew our mindset on leadership purposes, abuse of power, corruption, and nepotism will persist to the disadvantage of the very people who defend the perpetrators”.

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