Health experts are raising serious concerns about the poor health-seeking behaviour among Ghanaians.

According to them, this is contributing to the increasing cases of hypertension, leading to severe health outcomes that could otherwise be managed or prevented.

Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and kidney failure.

Despite its prevalence, many Ghanaians do not seek timely medical attention, contributing to the escalation of this silent killer.

Speaking on JoyNews’ The Pulse Show, cardiologist Dr. Florence Akumiah said that the situation is posing a serious threat to public health in Ghana.

She added that many individuals are unaware of the dangers of untreated hypertension and the importance of regular health check-ups.

“Current data shows that Ghanaians have poor health-seeking behaviour. In that, we don’t initiate seeking healthcare. It has to be prompted by illness, most often, or an occupational requirement, then we go and have a health screening. But ideally, you should be having an annual medical screening,” she indicated.

The cardiologist urged the public to take hypertension seriously and to seek regular medical care, at least once a year, to manage the condition effectively. She also called for more public health education campaigns to raise awareness about the risks of high blood pressure and the benefits of early detection and treatment.

Dr. Akumiah believes that improved health-seeking behaviour will go a long way toward controlling hypertensive cases and reducing the associated health risks, ultimately improving the health and wellbeing of the population.

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