Tema West Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Felicia Edem Attipoe, has called on residents to consult with municipal authorities before embarking on construction projects to prevent flooding and related issues.

This appeal was made during a familiarization tour of the area following Wednesday's heavy rains.

"Everyone wants to build, yes, it is good to build, but are you building the right way? Are you building in the right place? And how is it going? I urge residents that our doors are open. They should come so that we can discuss and provide advice," Madame Attipoe said.

She highlighted that many buildings are constructed without expert guidance or permits, leading to problems.

"Most of the buildings are not being built by experts. People just get up and start building, and it's causing them problems without permits as well."

Addressing journalists, Madame Attipoe also recounted the importance of proper drainage and the challenges posed by buildings constructed too close to drainage systems.

"We have to do the drainage, and some have built very close to the drainage. So when we do the dredging, where are we even going to put the materials? We need a buffer land for these materials, but these buffer lands are already built on."

She urged residents to engage with authorities to ensure safe and organized development.

"So, they should come, and we can discuss making this place very interesting and nice to stay. My doors are open."

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