A leading member of the National Democratic Congress Dr. Tony Aidoo has accused the ruling government of plotting to invoke a power sharing deal after the December elections. “They are angling for a situation where if they cannot retain power they will use this coup scare to create a situation of instability that will be resolved by a so-called power sharing.” Dr. Tony Aidoo was commenting on the recent ban on seven former security chiefs from all military and police installations and garrisons on TV3’s news analysis programme Agenda. According to the former Deputy Minister of Defence, the ban forms part of an agenda by the NPP government to demonise the former president as well as divert attention on the difficult economic situation the government has plunged Ghanaians into. Former president Jerry Rawlings convened a meeting of some former security chiefs, where security issues affecting the country were purported to have been discussed, prompting the ban to be invoked. A press release named the banned commanders as Lt Gen. Arnold Quainoo Former General Officer Commanding, Brigadier General Nunoo Mensah former chief of Defence Staff, Real Admiral Owusu Ansah former Chief of Naval Staff, C.K Dewornu former Inspector General of Police, F.Y Asare, Former Greater Accra Regional Police Commander, Bruce Konuah former Defence Advisor to Pakistan, and W.K Aboah former Commissioner of Police. Dr. Aidoo further impugned the competence of the security apparatus saying the ban lacked due diligence. “The ban is reaction to a news paper reportage. The government security apparatus never took time to analyse, otherwise FY Asare’s name would not have been included. The Chronicle Newspaper had earlier named FY Asare as part of the former military chiefs who met with the ex-president at his residence, when he was not part. But Deputy Minister of Information Frank Agyakum says Dr. Aidoo had it all wrong. According to him, the decision to ban the seven military chiefs was not exclusive to the meeting held at the behest of the ex-president, and that government security apparatus assessed all security situations in the country before it came out with this directive. “The inclusion of F.Y Asare was only a demonstration of a security apparatus that has its ears on the ground,” he added. Describing Aidoo’s power sharing utterances as ridiculous, Hon Frank Agyakum insisted the NPP had no interest in sharing power with the NDC and was going to win the elections in December. Captain Retired Osahene Boakye Gyan who was also on the programme, described the meeting held at the ex-president’s residence as a subversive act which warranted the reaction by the security apparatus. “With the Ex-president banned from all military and police installations, it was wrong for these military chiefs to have agreed to meet him to discuss security matters, I expect them to have known this,” he added. Listen to excerpts of the panel discussion. Author: Nathan Gadugah

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