The Western Regional House of Chiefs has commended the newly appointed CEO of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) for the respect he has shown them for paying a courtesy call to them without any invitation.

According to the Vice President of the House, Awulae Angama Tu Agyan this single gesture from Joseph Dadzie shows his humility and honour for the traditional rulers.

The CEO of the National Oil Company with some of his management members paid a visit to the Chiefs to among other things, introduce himself to them as the new head of the Corporation.

Mr Joseph Dadzie, a former deputy CEO of GNPC replaced Opoku-Ahweneeh Danquah on May 2, 2024, following his resignation.

Welcoming the GNPC delegation to the House, Awulae Angama Tu Agyan noted that since the retirement of Dr Kofi Koduah Sarpong in April 2022, no CEO has come over to interact with them and seek their counsel.

“When K.K Sarpong left, someone came to replace him. We never saw him here but see how quickly this new CEO, whom we are proud to call our son, has come to us within the month he was appointed to interact with us,” he said.

Awulae Angama Tu Agyan noted that this move from Mr Dadzie and his management will surely go a long way to establishing a long-lasting relationship between the Western Regional House of Chiefs and the Corporation.

“With your visit and introduction here today, we are hopeful you will soon come back to meet the full house and discuss more pressing issues we have for your consideration,” Awulae Angama Tu Agyan added.

According to the Chiefs, it is their wish that every year, the GNPC boss will come before the house and share with them some of the challenges the Corporation may be facing and see how best they could support the company to overcome them. 

“This would also give us the opportunity to share with you some of the challenges we are also facing in the region and explore ways of dealing with them”, Awulae added.

The President of the Western Regional of Chiefs, Awulae Amihere Kpaniyiliin in his welcome address also emphasised the need for this relationship the GNPC CEO has just re-established with them to deepen.

“For you to come to the Western Region and see the need to come to us is commendable. It shows the respect you have for us here”, he noted.

Responding to the Chiefs, Mr Joseph Dadzie commended them for their warm reception.

He promised he will soon be back to start his engagement with the entire house saying "We are soon going to commission our Operational Headquarters here. When we come, I will use that opportunity to meet the entire house for further discussion”.

He told the Chiefs he could not have visited the region without visiting them considering how good they have been to GNPC and the staff here.

According to him, “There was no way I could have visited my staff here led by Dr Dominic Eduah and decided not to pay homage to you, the owners of the land we operate on”.

Mr Dadzie further said, “It was equally important I came here to introduce myself to you as the new CEO, but I will assure you that I will come back together with my board to meet you all”.

He told the chiefs, that he was aware of several of their developmental concerns as catalogued to him earlier by the Regional Minister and assured them that together with the board of the Corporation, ways would be found to address them.

“Even before I came here, at the board level, we had met and discussed many of these issues and we are strategising on how to fix them. The board has agreed that we complete projects we started in the region that has stalled”, the GNPC boss, assured the chiefs.

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