The flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has announced plans to equip head porters, commonly known as "kayayei," with driving skills. 

This announcement was made during the launch of the "Kayayei Empowerment Programme" at Madina on Tuesday, May 21.

During his speech at the launch, Dr Bawumia emphasised his dedication to creating opportunities for marginalized groups in society. 

He highlighted the significance of this initiative in providing practical skills that can lead to sustainable employment for the kayayei.

“In addition to the strides already made, I am thrilled to announce that discussions are ongoing with Metro mass and Ayalolo to teach them (kayayei) driving.”

The programme, initiated by the Youth Employment Agency (YEA), includes a three-story facility equipped with ancillary amenities to serve as both a residence and a training centre for the kayayei.

This facility aims to create a supportive environment for the head porters while they acquire new skills.

The Kayayei Empowerment Programme aims to train 5,000 young women between May and November 2024, with 600 participants in each monthly cohort.

The training will focus on imparting practical skills and knowledge to prepare the participants for various trades and occupations, including driving.

Over a three-week training period, participants will receive startup kits, stipends, and free accommodation.

This comprehensive support is designed to ensure that the kayayei can fully benefit from the training and transition smoothly into their new roles.

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