Warri Pikin

Popular Nigerian comedian and actress Real Warri Pikin thinks that comedy is the hardest craft in the world.

According to her, the craft is not edited but always live, hence when a comedian messes up then it's a mess.

Speaking exclusively to Doreen Avio, the comedienne stated that she had tried several crafts in the entertainment industry including hosting events, dance which she said was her first love, and singing. Comedy on the other hand, did not come easy at all for her.

“Comedy is the hardest craft, quote me anywhere. Comedy is live, you don’t edit it, if you mess up you mess up live. It's the hardest craft, quote me anywhere. I used to do all of them, hosting, I used to sing, dance, I do comedy too,” she said.

She also stated that the comedy industry is male-dominated and not easy for a woman to make it, adding that women are made to work twice as hard to prove themselves, which she thinks is unfair.

“Comedy again is a male-dominated industry, it's not easy to be a woman, you have to be strong. If I hold the mic, I hold it like a penis. If you are a woman you are made to work twice as hard to prove yourself and it's not fair,” she stated.

Known in real life as Anita Asuoha and very active on social media, she also revealed that she had to do a lot to discover herself and the kind of comedy to do and to also put in a lot of work in the craft to make her unique from others in the industry.

“I worked, I read books, I watched YouTube videos, I worked on myself, I discovered myself to understand the kind of comedy I wanted to do then I started putting in the work. It's very hard, it's not easy. I write my comedy, people have to be creative and spontaneous,” she told Doreen Avio.

She also advised that comedians need to do enough research on places especially when they are moving from one place to another to be able to craft jokes to suit them and also make the work easier.

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