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MPs call on government to prioritise action on coastal devastation

During a recent monitoring visit to the Keta, Anlo, and Ketu-South constituencies, members of the Parliament’s Works and Housing Committee expressed concern over the devastating impact of tidal waves along the coast.

According to them, if the government fails to find measures to address the erosion on the coastal lines, further delay might result in irreparable damage.

Dormaa West MP, Vincent Oppong Asamoah, highlighted the urgent need for the government to prioritise issues relating to coastal devastation.

He said, "Coastal erosion poses a significant threat to our communities and livelihoods. It is imperative that the government takes decisive action to prevent further deterioration and safeguard our coastal areas."

Chairman of the Works and Housing Committee and MP for Atwima Mponua, Isaac Kwame Asiamah, echoed Mr Asamoah's sentiments, lamenting the extent of damage caused by erosion along the beaches.

Mr Asiamah emphasised the need for urgent government intervention to address the crisis.

"The erosion of our beaches is a clear indication of the urgent need for action," remarked Asiamah. "We cannot afford to delay any longer. The government must take immediate steps to mitigate the impact of coastal erosion and protect our coastal communities,"he said.

Member of Parliament for Ho West, Emmanuel Bedzrah, also called for swift action to address the challenges faced by coastal communities.

"The plight of our coastal communities cannot be ignored. We must act decisively to provide relief and support to those affected by coastal devastation," he added.

The legislators stressed the importance of collaboration between the government, local authorities, and community stakeholders to implement effective measures for coastal protection and resilience.

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