In basketball, players have a variety of shots in their arsenal, each with its own purpose and technique.

These shots are crucial for scoring points and can be categorized based on 3 different criteria:

  • execution;
  • distance from the basket;
  • and level of difficulty;

In 1st place, let’s start with the layup. This is one of the fundamental shots in basketball, executed by driving towards the basket and laying the ball off the backboard with 1 hand while in mid-air. You are invited to visit 1xBet, which is the best platform for online sports betting that can also be used on players that excel in these shots.

It's a high-percentage shot that is often used when a player has a clear path to the basket. 2 players who excel with it are LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo.

The sports betting platform is 1xBet, and here you can place wagers on players that make different kinds of shots too.

Scoring lots of points

In 2nd place there is the jump shot. This is a staple of basketball, involving a player jumping into the air and releasing the ball at the peak of their jump. There is any bet football at 1xBet, where many basketball wagers can also be made.

It can be performed from 2 situations: off the dribble and with a stationary position, making it a versatile scoring option. 2 players that excel on it are Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. They are renowned for their deadly accuracy from beyond the arc, with 3-point jump shots becoming increasingly prevalent in today's game. You can discover any football bet and basketball wager at 1xBet, where you can also wager on whether someone will score 3 points too.

Difficult tricks to materialize

In 3rd place there are free throws, which are uncontested shots awarded to a player after a foul, typically taken from the free-throw line. They require 3 things: focus, technique, and consistency, as they are often crucial for determining the outcome of close games. There are 2 players who are great on them, which are Steve Nash and Dirk Nowitzki. Other players that excel on them can be wagered at the platform.

Finally, we will talk about the 3-point shot, which is taken from beyond the 3-point line, offering 3 points instead of the usual 2 for shots made inside the arc. It's a valuable weapon for stretching the defense and creating scoring opportunities. There are 2 players that have set records with 3-pointers, which are Ray Allen and Reggie Miller setting records for three-pointers made. If you want to wager on players scoring 3 points, then the 1xBet platform is waiting for you.

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