
NPP committed to develop the country – Aliu

Vice President Alhaji Aliu Mahama has said the New Patriotic Party government was determined to ensure an even and balanced development throughout the country. He said this was in line with the vision to make Ghana achieve a middle-income status by 2015. Alhaji Mahama made the observation when addressing a durbar of chiefs and people of Nzema dubbed "The Journey to Nkroful" at Nkroful in the Nzema East District. It was organised by the Western Regional Planning Committee of Ghana @ 50 as part of activities marking Ghana's 50th independence anniversary celebrations. Alhaji Mahama said the northern parts of Nzema East District had been earmarked to undergo face-lifting activities. These include the rehabilitation and construction of the Asomasi-Brepro road, Kwesikrom Junction-Kwesikrom road, Gwira/Aiyinase-Tumentu road and a bridge over River Fure. Others were the tarring of Axim, Esiama, Aiyinase and Alabakazo town roads. Alhaji Mahama announced that rehabilitation of Teleku Bokazo-Asasetre road had been advertised and would be awarded on contract soon after tender. He said electrification of the area was being considered by Government. He said: "The area not being connected to the National Grid is a worry to Government. Efforts would be made to ensure that the area including Gwira Traditional Area is hooked onto the National Grid." Alhaji Mahama said Government in its determination to provide electricity to the area had submitted a list of 16 towns to the Ministry of Energy for consideration. On education, he said plans were far advanced to upgrade the Nkroful Agriculture Senior Secondary School and work would start this year. In addition, two boys’ hostels would be constructed for Esiama Senior Secondary School and Awiebo-Bonzu Kaku Senior Secondary Schools. Alhaji Mahama directed Mr Joshua Kwajah-Elimah, Nzema East District Chief Executive and the District Manager of Ghana Water Company to draw a programme for the provision of potable water to the northern sector of the district regularly. Mr Freddie Blay, Member of Parliament for Ellembelle and First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, said the present generation shared the vision, sacrifices and good works of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana's First President. He paid glowing tribute to Mr R.S. Blay and George Pa Grant for their pivotal roles in the emancipation of Ghana from colonialism. Source: GNA

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