The High Commission of India in Ghana is gearing up for a spectacular celebration of the International Day of Yoga, scheduled for June 22 this year.

This event comes a decade after the United Nations General Assembly officially recognised June 21 as the International Day of Yoga, acknowledging yoga's profound impact on human health and well-being, and its potential to foster global harmony and peace.

Since then, this day has been celebrated worldwide, with millions embracing the practice of yoga.

This year's event in Accra promises to be even more grand and memorable than ever before. India’s High Commission in Ghana is inviting the general public to join in the festivities, which will build upon the successes of previous years' celebrations.

In the spirit of inclusivity and collaboration, the High Commission is partnering with schools, fitness clubs, and several other organisations to organise a series of pre-events leading up to the main celebration.

These pre-events aim to engage individuals of all ages and backgrounds, offering diverse opportunities to connect with the essence of yoga and its many benefits.

Attendees can look forward to invigorating yoga sessions led by experienced practitioners, enlightening workshops exploring different aspects of yoga philosophy and practice, interactive presentations on the science behind yoga's impact on the mind and body, and cultural displays that highlight the rich heritage of yoga. These pre-events are designed to provide enriching experiences for all participants.

By bringing together various stakeholders from different sectors, these pre-events aim to foster a sense of community and collective purpose, reinforcing the universal message of unity and well-being that lies at the heart of yoga.

As the world prepares to celebrate the International Day of Yoga, this event in Accra offers a unique opportunity to come together, rejuvenate our bodies, minds, and spirits, and reaffirm our commitment to a healthier, happier, and more harmonious world through the practice of yoga.

About the International Day of Yoga

The International Day of Yoga was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 and is celebrated annually on June 21.

The day aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practising yoga.

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