St. Xavier Minor Seminary accrued 68 points in the Northern region preliminary contest of the National Science and Maths Quiz, thus securing for itself a spot at the one-eighth stage.
The winners stood tall on Thursday against Jirapa SHS who scored 16 points at the end of the contest and Zebilla SHTS who scored 08 points.
St. Francis Xavier Minor Seminary scored the full 10 points for the Problem of the Day earning the Prudential Life Insurance NSMQ star award.
The boys were cheered on by teachers and some students who were in attendance which boosted their morale to go all out.
Contest two of the Northern Region Prelims will see Bolgatanga SHS, Wa SHS and Kalpohin SHS battle it out to qualify to the one-eighth stage of the NSMQ.
The National Science and Maths Quiz will be held in Kumasi this year after the preliminary contest in the various regions.
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